Create a Google Classroom

Creation date: 2/6/2024 3:49 PM    Updated: 2/6/2024 3:49 PM   classroom google google classroom

  1. At the top of the Classes page, click Add  Create class.

    Note: If you don’t see Create class, your account only lets you join classes. Switch accounts or contact your Google Workspace administrator for help.

  2. Enter the class name.
  3. (Optional) To enter a short description, grade level, or class time, click Section and enter the details.
  4. (Optional) To add a subject, click Subject and enter a name or click one from the list that appears when you enter text.
  5. (Optional) To enter the location for the class, click Room and enter the details.
  6. Click Create.

Classroom automatically creates a class code that you can use to invite students to the class. You can always get the class code at the top of the class stream.