iVisions - Requisitions: Start to Finish

Creation date: 7/10/2023 4:22 PM    Updated: 7/19/2023 1:00 PM   accounting ivisions requisition

Working with a requisition from start to finish.

  • If someone in the district wishes to purchase something or have any work performed, a requisition will need to be created and approved, then converted to a purchase order before any purchases can be made.  They should provide you with a quote or estimate from the vendor, scan this document into your downloads folder using the following guide: Epson Scan - Scanning a Document to your PC

  • Open iVisions and enter your username/password and make sure the year you want to be working in is selected. Then hit LOGIN

  • Now that you're logged in successfully, you will need to navigate to the "Control Panel" section. This will be listed under "My Favorites" in the left hand menu. *(If you don't have this under favorites, click on Purchasing & Payables > Purchasing > Right Click on Control Panel and Add to Favorites)

  • This will bring up the "Control Panel" interface.  This is where you will be doing 90% of your work. The top section allows you to search for existing PO's/Requisitions by filling in any of the details and hitting APPLY.  However, for this guide, we will be creating a new requisition. To do that, you will click on the + symbol right under the blue line.

  • You will now be presented with a box that is going to ask for a LOT of information. In the image below, everything circled in RED is required.

    Vendor: Select the vendor you are making the purchase from *(If not in list, obtain a w9 from the vendor and send it to ESD)
    DAC: For Accounts Payable, this will ALWAYS be "Business and Finance Services"
    Requester: This is YOU
    Order Type: Purchase Order = One time order , Blanket = Multiple orders over time.

    Account: Refer to the DO Account Codes Excel File
    QTY: How many being purchased
    Part Number: If Available *(This field is optional, but highly encouraged)
    Description: Keep it simple, but have enough detail to know what it is.
    Unit Price:  Price per unit

    Once these fields are all filled in, click the little DISK icon circled in green. If you need to add another line, do so now, and hit the DISK icon after each line.

    Next, make sure there is a checkmark in the "Submit for Approval" box and the "Close after update?" box, then hit save.

  • The final step, is to attach a copy of the quote to the requisition. Select your requisition in the window, and click on Actions > Manage Documents at the top of the window.

    On the next screen, Select the document type, in the Notes section, enter the following information:
    DOCUMENT# = $PRICE LOCATION      then click the paperclip at the end of the row to attach a file. Repeat this process for any additional documents.

    In the next window, hit select:

    Browse to your downloads folder and select the file you want to attach, then hit the UPLOAD button.

    Now that the file is uploaded to iVisions, move it from your Downloads folder to the Scanned & Attached folder on the SharePoint server.

  • The requisition has now been submitted. Write the requisition number on the paper copy of the quote or invoice. You may now file this and wait for it to be approved.
  • Both the business manager and superintendent have to approve the requisition. Once this is done, you will receive an email stating that the requisition has been converted to a PO. This requisition has now been approved and you may proceed with the rest of this guide.


  • Now that your requisition has been approved, we need to print the PO's

  • Open iVisions and go to the Control Panel
  • Type in your Requistion Number in the Req Number field, and hit apply. You should see your requisition in the window below.

  • Select your requisition/PO, then click on the Actions menu at the top and click Print Preview.

  • On the next window, you will want to make sure you only select "File, Vendor and Print Signature" then click OK.  This will generate a PurchaseOrders.PDF file and place it in your downloads folder. Open and print this document.  You may discard it after printing.

  • Give the Vendor copy to whoever requested the order originally so they can contact the vendor and place the order.  Take the File copy, paperclip it to the quote and place it back in your file.  You will need to hold onto this until the invoice comes in.  

    At this point, you are done with the requisition.  Once an invoice comes in, you will need to process it following the guide below:
    iVisions - Invoices: Start to Finish
